
White agenda.

Outfit // F21 crochet outerwear, TheScarletRoom Double V Chiffon Flare Blouse in White, Skorts from BKK, Jeffrey Campbell Everly boot, Balenciaga Velo //   

Pictures taken a while ago!

Don't have much pictures left to post because we don't have time to go shoot. Dying to go for a shoot!!! But no, exams come first. Then we can shoot all we want after that! 
So stay tuned~ I'll be back with more pictures~ 

Anyway, if anyone know of a nice quiet open air carpark please let me know!!! Looking for a perfect one to do our next shoot hehe thanks~


Print x Texture

 Outfit// Zara printed top, F21 leather shorts, DrMartens Adrian, Topshop leather backpack //

2 more weeks before our final exams..... my final papers before i graduate. (if all goes well hahahaha) So so so scared that i'll fail a paper but yet i dont have motivation yet to study. But who are you kidding, it's studying man. So boring zzzzzzzz

(/゚Д゚)/ (/゚Д゚)/ (/゚Д゚)/